Precision Custom Springs
For Your Project
Same day quotes.
Top quality product.
Shipped within 10 days.*
*most projects ship within 10 days of your order
We manufacture custom springs and we do it better than anyone else because that’s all we do. We manufacture a full line of compression springs, extension springs, die springs, torsion springs and wire forms all per your specifications.
What we DON'T do: We don’t promise springs off the shelf, we won’t sell you a stock spring that is 'pretty close' nor will we ask if you can 'get by' using this one because it’s in inventory, ever.
What we DO for you: Your production needs are more important than that to you and your manufacturing excellence is more important than that to us. No, we make precision custom springs every day, to your exacting specification, carrying on a tradition begun in 1946.
You'll get what you want, when you need it.
That’s what we do and we are proud of it.
Our custom capabilities are surpassed by none…
- We manufacture to your specifications
- Engineering assistance available
- Same day quotes
- Most orders shipped within 10 business days
- We are carrying on a tradition started in 1946
From the time your order is received it gets the attention of expert sales and marketing staff, our engineering group, production management and the quality management team. Throughout the order processing we are committed to keeping you informed of your orders progress until you are notified that the order is completed and shipping.
Our commitment to our customers is in our company’s DNA, it is what our company’s vision is built upon. Creating an exceptional customer experience is the foundation of Minuteman Spring Company, Inc.
Conical compression springs
Straight compression springs
Extension springs
Torsion springs
Double torsion springs
Wire Forms
Hard drawn wire
Stainless steel wires
Oil tempered wire
Beryllium copper wire
Brass wire
Phosphor bronze wire